“Universe, the last frontier. Conquest, the only reason to function. Earth, the next target. However, sometimes size matters, especially if you’re an alien invader robot”.
Personal Comments:
After finishing “Qua”, I wanted to take some time to improve and learn. I spent a few months to understand how the 3D stereoscopic systems work. As a free time project, I started a stereoscopic animation parody of “Transformers” saga. I wanted to work on something quite different, funny, light and absurd, little by little, without a clear deadline.
The executed stereoscopic work serves as an artistic searching of all the stereoscopic possibilities in the world of 3D animation.
Always improving. The best and the worst:
- The best: at last, a comedy short film and I could play with a transformable transformer!! ^,^ .
- The worst: a rigging expert would have been needed in order to improve the robot animation.
General Info:
Title: “Transthreeded”.
Released: December 2010.
Length: 2 minutes 35 seconds.
Production Info:
Director & Writing: Andrés Vidal Alarcón.
Production company: Arteneo / Avaray Works.
Art Modelling & Animation: Andrés Vidal Alarcón.
Postprocessing & Film Cut: Andrés Vidal Alarcón.
Music: Daniel Ripoll.
Sound Edition & Effects: Daniel Ripoll.
Distribution company: Promofest.
- New York Int’l Children’s Film Festival – NYICFF (USA).
- Amelia Island Film Festival (USA).
- Beloit Film Festival (USA).
- 8th Annual Macon Film Festival (USA).
- Melbourne International Animation Festival (Australia).
- Byron Bay Film Festival (Australia).
- ISFFDetmold (Germany).
- Animax Skopje Fest 2012 (Macedonia).
- Multivision 2012 (Russia).
- Kinofest (Romania).
- Film Video Montecatini 2012 (Italy).
- AnimaCaxias Festival de Cinema (Brasil).
- Certamen Internacional de Cortometrajes “Roberto di Chiara” Florencio Varela (Argentina).
- FICH – Festival Internacional de Cine de Hermosillo (México).
- Bienal Internacional de Video y Cine Contemporáneo VIDEOFEST2K12 (México).
- Festival Internacional de Toluca 2012 (México).
- 29 Festival de cine de Bogotá – Bogocine (Colombia).
- Eko International Film Festival (Nigeria).
- III Muestra de Cortometraje de Infantil y Primaria de Leganés (Spain).
- Video Corto Joven DECORTOÁN (Spain).
- Barcelona VisualSound (Spain).
- Ateneo Ferrolán: XII Xornadas “Mostra de Curtametraxes” 2012 (Spain).
- Enkarcine 2012 (Spain).
- IX KO&DIGITAL (Spain).
- Animainzón 2012 (Spain).
- 4´en corto – Alcorac 1968 (Spain).
- Ciclo paralelo del 19º Festival Internacional de Jóvenes Realizadores 2012 (FIJR) (Spain).
- Festival EnMut 2012 (Spain).
- Mercado Internacional 3d Wire 2011 (Spain).
- DogVille Film Festival 2011 (Spain).
- Sicarm 2011 (Spain).