Portfolios tagged 2010Dolores Entertainment games and apps (2010-2013).2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - BestAppEverAwards - Dolores Entertainment - Elefant Records - La Casa Azul - Mediaset - Pasapalabra - Tele 5 - The Alphabet Game - TV3Dolores Entertainment games and apps (2010-2013).“Transthreeded – A Transformers spoof” (2010).2010“Transthreeded – A Transformers spoof” (2010).“Planet 51 Online” (2010).2010 - Ilion Studios - Pyro Studios - Zed Worldwide“Planet 51 Online” (2010).ZED mobile games (2005-2010).2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - Ilion Studios - PocketGamer Award - Zed WorldwideZED mobile games (2005-2010).