“ZedCity is a futuristic and idyllic virtual city, a new online world to have fun and meet new people: here you will be able to chat with your friends at the different thematic rooms located along the city, take a look at other users’ profiles, or download images, videos and games directly to your mobile phone.”
“When the night comes to the city, the cool people get dressed for action in search of rhythm and dance. Dance Star Studio is an online dance game totally integrated within ZedCity where you will be able to socialize and compete to show who really is the dance floor master.”
Developers: Zed Games, Pyro Studios
Publisher: Club Zed
Webs: http://city.zed.com, http://dss.zed.com
My role in this project was Lead Artist and Artist Manager, inheriting this project from a former team and working together with a Pyro Studios resident team.